Read the latest Northamptonshire Police Fire and Crime Commissioner's newsletter

Thursday, 31 October 2024 12:41

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Read the latest Northamptonshire Police Fire and Crime Commissioner's newsletter 

See attached the latest newsletter from the Northamptonshire Police Fire and Crime Commissioner.

This month we are asking if you could help ensure standards remain high in our custody suites by becoming an Independent Custody Visitor, more about the Immediate Justice Scheme, news about funding grants made available to community groups and the third roundtable event bringing together national and local business together with the police.


The newsletter can also be viewed on our website:

front page of newsletter with latest newsletter on-line now

Please feel free to share to your local community.


You can also follow the latest updates from the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and NextDoor  - just search for NorthantsOPFCC


OPFCC Newsletter October 2024.pdf

Message Sent By

Helen Franks

(Northants Office of Police Fire and Crime Commissioner, Senior Social Media Engagement Officer, Northamptonshire)