17th Village Gala

May 22nd - 26th, 2025

Gala Time is coming...

Thanks again to Alex and Cinzia for hosting, the 17th Annual Gala will go ahead again in May. 

The outline programme is:

  • Thursday 22nd May - Beer Festival opens, Quiz night with Coopy
  • Friday 23rd - Dance to the excellent "Groove Cartel" - Funk, Soul, and Motown
  • Saturday 24th- Daytime: Car Boot Sale and possibly local food producers market
  • Saturday 24th Evening: Easton’s Got Euro-Talent (see below)
  • Sunday 25th- 7 Bands and 30 or so Beers
  • Monday 26th - Dog Show and Fete including Chariot Racing (don't ask) and all the usual stalls, craft fair, and entertainment.

As ever, in fact more than ever, we need help to organise some events or elements of them. Current vacancies include:

  • Bottle Stall Manager
  • Raffle Organiser
  • Publicity seeker and ad creator
  • Boot Sale /Market Organiser

Next Meeting is Monday 17th Feb 7.00pm at the Blue Bell.

Can you help? 

Shout if you can please.

Tim Nicol

Gala Co-Ordinator


“Easton’s Got EuroTalent” 2025 Acts needed!

Saturday May 24th 2025

We've had an Idea....!!

The evening will be themed as 

“Easton’s Got Euro-Talent” or the “EastonVision Talent Contest”

Participants (groups or individuals) pick or invent a country to represent, then create an act: Sing or mime, or some kind of sketch or act that loosely fits the ‘Eurovision” style; camp, glam, over the top….

We are of course looking for villagers of a vaguely theatrical persuasion or at least some willing folk who are prepared to entertain others, to take part in this relaxed, fun night as part of the Gala. Please contact Tim Nicol tim@mihcentre.co.uk to get your name down and get further information.