August Newsletter from the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

Thursday, 1 August 2024 13:28

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August Newsletter from the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

The front page of the newsletter on a purple background with the words 'Read our latest newsletter available on-line now' and the URL to the newsletter '' written in white text on it

Please find attached the latest Newsletter from the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for August 2024. 


It features stories on: 

-Investment in the Northamptonshire Police Control Room

-A renewed focus on retail crime

-New triage kits on all Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue frontline appliances 


You can read all of these stories and plenty more via the attached PDF, or via the link here:


OPFCC Newsletter August 2024.pdf

Message Sent By
Office of Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner