Parish Council Update, May 2024
Monday, 22 April 2024 17:41
News from Easton on the Hill Parish Council
Addida Cricket Club
The Parish Council is pleased to have recently agreed a hire agreement with Addida Cricket Club to start play at the playing field from the 2025 cricket season. They will be on site soon preparing the grass and wicket, ready for the new season of matches on Saturdays or Sundays, plus weekly nets sessions, junior coaching and adult training.
Refurbishment of the sports pavilion
Following award of a grant of £6750, the Parish Council has recently agreed a schedule of works to include new flooring in changing rooms and new exterior cladding to the building. There have already been new hot and cold air con units fitted and plans for much more. It is an ongoing project, with help from the hiring football club, and other contractors, and with funding from a build up of project budget reserves, hire costs, plus the grant. More details can be found on the Parish Council website.
The Drift and Car Park
Repairs have recently been made to the surface of the Drift up to the car park and actions taken to reduce any reported speeding by users. A grant for a new speed sign is being investigated for Westfields and remedial arrangements are ongoing for improvements to the car park.
Police priorities
The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner will be appointed following elections on 2/5/24 - please think about the top 3 priorities that you think they should be concentrating on for EOTH. Feel free to send them to me so that they can be shared with candidates.
Annual meeting and vacancy
The annual meeting of the Parish Council is being held on 13/5/24, when the Chairman and Vice Chairman is selected and committee members and statutory documents reviewed. All welcome to attend. The Annual Parish Meeting (for residents) was held on 22/4/24 and many village groups attended to share updates and hear from the Chairman, Tim Nicol, on all things Parish Council.
Anyone interested in the Parish Councillor vacancy is strongly invited to apply - the Parish Councillor election is next May so it can be trialled for just a year if that is less scary!
And finally - please remember to take photo id when you go to vote on 2/5/24 (for the Police and Crime Commissioner post and more.)
Jenny Rice
Tel 07889669550