News from the Parish Council, March 2024

Wednesday, 21 February 2024 14:10

News from Easton on the Hill Parish Council


Parish Councillor vacancy

There is one Parish Councillor vacancy to fill.  If you have a few spare hours a month to attend the main meeting and get involved in making decisions regarding the development, improvement and running of the village, and would like to make a positive difference, then please do apply, we would love to hear from you!  Contact the Clerk - details below.


Tree planting

Thanks to everybody (20 or so) who organised and turned up for the tree planting session at Easton on the Hill Playing Field on Sunday 18th February. About 130 trees were planted between the playing field and the Deeps. Many of the saplings had been grown on in pots at Birch Tree cafè by the team there as part of their horticultural programme. Thanks also to Woodland Trust and Rockingham Forest Vision for the trees and their advice. This is all part of the Parish Council’s Trees and Greens Working Group Nature Recovery programme.

Many hands made light work.