Parish Council Update August, 2023

Saturday, 22 July 2023 21:45

News from Easton on the Hill Parish Council
(Our clerk Jenny Rice is away on Honeymoon so these notes are from Tim Nicol as Chairman)

Planning Application
We don’t as a rule draw attention to individual planning applications, preferring to rely on residents checking the NNC website and for residents who are immediately affected being notified by the Planning Authority anyway.
However as this is a significant development being proposed, residents may want to take a look and make comments, for or against:

NE/23/00612/FUL | Construction of a B8 storage and distribution building | Cliffe Road Easton On The Hill

As you may know we recently conducted a survey of the whole village to inform the future plans for the village. Every household received a pair copy of the questionnaire and links to the survey were sent out and put on QR codes at the Playing Field. The full results were presented at the last Parish Council Meeting and the summary is below:

After discussion at the last PC meeting the decision was taken for the Parish Council to take over the ownership of the Pavilion from the now sadly defunct Cricket Club, at least in the short term. When we have a better idea of the condition of the assets and liabilities (after surveys etc) a business plan will be produced and based on that the full PC will take a decision on the future of the pavilion.