Parish Council update - June 2023

Thursday, 29 June 2023 15:31

News from Easton on the Hill Parish Council

Village survey
Thanks to those that filled in the questionnaire about future developments for the playing field.  The results will be summarised and communicated in due course and will provide useful feedback and direction for the Parish Council Playing Field Management Committee.

Cricket club
As has been communicated previously, the Easton cricket club has unfortunately had to fold due to a lack of players and new committee members.  The pavilion, equipment and remaining monies are being offered to the Parish Council and the Playing Field Management Committee are meeting shortly (5/7/23) to assess the situation and the impact on the Parish Council of taking on new assets/costs. The surveys (above) will help inform the discussion and priorities for the playing field and they will make a recommendation to the Parish Council after the meeting for the next Parish Council on 10/7/23.  The meetings are all public and residents are welcome to attend and raise issues/concerns. See the website for more details.

New Councillor co-opted
The Parish Council co-opted Katy Ward to the one Councillor vacancy at their last meeting.  We welcome Katy and look forward to working with her.  Thanks go to ex Councillor Sam Cherry who recently resigned for all that he did whilst on the Parish Council.

Spring Close and Polish War Memorial rebuild
The Spring Close pocket park area will soon be getting new fencing and has had a good makeover at the recent Big Help Out volunteering day and planting of a new tree and memorial plaque.  This is good preparation for the ceremony and re-enactment event taking place on 23/9/23 for the Arnhem commemoration and dedication of the new war memorial.

Residents are always very welcome at Parish Council and playing field/planning committee meetings and all agendas are posted on the notice board in the bus shelter and on the website.

Jenny Rice
Tel 07889669550